
Importing Notebook

PHPSandbox provides some support for you to import projects from GitHub. Currently, it only supports importing from public repositories.

Generally, we expect any project to be imported from GitHub to:

  • Be a composer project, hence contains a composer.json file at the root.
  • Public GitHub repository.
  • Private Github repositories are also supported on premium accounts. Private repositories are imported as private notebooks.

Notebooks imported from GitHub are either provisioned as a Laravel notebook or Standard notebook. You can import a project from github from the Create Notebook Modal, click on Github, and authorise your account on Github. Authorize github

After authorizing your account with Github, you would see a list of your public repositories for regular accounts and all your repositories for premium accounts in a drop down list. Selecting any of these repositories will import it into a notebook.

Private repositories are imported into private notebooks and this is only available on premium accounts. !Import from Github

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