File Explorer

Managing Files


PHPSandbox allows you to browse and manage your files and folders when using Non-Interactive notebooks (Laravel and PHP Web) by providing a file explorer. The file explorer allows you to perform these operations on your files and folders:

  • Reload files
  • Download Notebook
  • Create File
  • Create folders
  • Edit files and folders names
  • Delete files and folders
  • Open files in Editor
  • Copy file link

The file explorer can be accessed from the sidebar.

File explorer


Frequently, project files undergo modifications not only through the file explorer but also via other means. It is common to add new files using the terminal, edit existing files through terminal commands or while a process is running. PHPSandbox addresses this challenge by guaranteeing real-time updates of files and directories in your file explorer whenever they are modified by any method other than the code editor. This ensures that your file system remains synchronized and accurately reflects any changes made outside of the code editor, providing a seamless and consistent development experience.

Forking Notebook