
Non-interactive Preview

The non-interactive preview is seen on the Preview Pane when you are viewing a non-interactive notebook. It displays the preview of the URL in the address bar on the Non-interactive control section. The preview changes when you visit a new address in the address bar or when you go backward or forward or refresh. This preview can be seen as a small browser that lets you browse through your project.

If the notebook has not been provisioned before or hasn't been started, you will see the provisioning screen before the actual preview of your app. This provisioning preview will be there until the provisioning and startup has been done successfully. The provisioning screen appears like so:

Provisioning notebook

On successfully provisioning and starting of the notebook, you will see a preview of the actual app together with the Navigation controls like so:


NOTE The entire information here applies to Laravel notebooks and Standard (PHP Web) Notebooks.

Interactive Preview